A freedom in chains shall you learn to know as home.
Wander and crawl to every corner of this world, reminded each time you will find nothing.
Whether you wander to a different place or crawl into a corner, often you will have to retrace every step and hurl yourself back to that which was fled.
For each time you step out of bounds in an expedition, the longer the adventure becomes, and the even more puzzling the rescue will be.
Limitations are soon to be waiting, but there is no end to the mind’s desire or impulse.
While that limitation has already been placed and is waiting to be recognized, when that limit is found, the few possible outcomes are either to repeat the same process or to slowly revert back with each adventure.
Now, what exactly does it look like to slowly revert back?
To slowly revert back means that now, after that limit has been relatively made aware, soon the less exciting the wanderings become, and the slightly more effort required to maintain the distraction.
With those two scenarios apparent and most likely to occur, it doesn’t take long before they lose inspiration. Every adventure thereafter, is an outing less prolonged and quicker to get back home, until eventually the expeditions all together are needless and not worth pursuing.
In order to arrive at that state, a number of wanderings had to have been done, with an ever so increasing tire and mundanity.
The main thing to acknowledge is that these ventures do not instantly drop off. At first they are met with curiosity and excitement, but then slowly trickle to mundanity and tire. It can become routine, but eventually a limit is met, and whether that limit is acknowledged or not, possible outcomes will be shaped by that distinction. It’s a faint and gradual realization that’ll make you wonder if you’ve even moved at all in that span of time.
This phenomenon that makes it to be subtle and gradual is the area of interest. Every time that you take a step outside of yourself, you are taking two steps backwards.
How many repetitions or cycles of taking one step forward would be needed to even realize that you were going nowhere?
No digit could quantify the unchanging and repetitive reflex of that movement, it can go on as long as forever, the illusion would be unapparent.
But let’s say one were to realize slowly that one cannot actually move forward in this world.
Whatever is quietly telling they cannot move forward simply by language of outcome and circumstance, it’s as if it were pulling you back into its hand.
Now try taking one step forward again after being made aware of the setback, you will come to learn taking one step forward as the same as taking a step backwards.
Think of it as placing your big toe into cold water, you slowly lower your toe to touch the water but when the cold reaches the foot it only reaffirms to not touch the water.
Now, imagine the very impulse of touching the water or stepping outside of yourself were met with confrontation? To put a pause on that very impulse, and learning to make subtle of it, is the closest thing to moving forward. You being made firmly aware that moving forward is absolutely useless and futile and that relegating oneself to the seat of the mind is all that can remain.
It’s knowing that something, a force or consciousness is forestalling or counteracting one’s actions in a way that always leads back to the original feeling that gave birth to the accompanying act.
The feeling closest to representing this phenomenon is a feeling of necessity or discomfort, attempting to flea somewhere else and then suddenly realizing that no matter where you go, the eventual fate and inevitability of going back follows your every move. A person who is haunted by that inevitability will have to learn to adhere to it until the very impulse is extinguished at the very outset.
To remain unmoved and vigilant most of waking life.
In order that reality be claimed, it demands that the mind be relegated to the seat of decision maker, whereby every act is coordinated, every thought confronted, and every feeling adhered to.
To claim reality and choose it over again every step of waking life.
At the point where the mind is able to remain unmoved as a result of futility, we can begin to strip it naked into its purest form and most vulnerable state free of necessity and desire.
Only in this form can true value be expressed, only in this form can reality be viewed with clarity.
Every attachment, stripped to it’s accompanying impulse, and every attraction unveiled to its founded identity.
By stripping the mind of distraction, there lies the space needed for grasping an unobscured piece of reality along with the eyes to retain its unfiltered image.
Now hold that image firmly in mind until anything less of that resolution is a place away from home.
Every so often throughout the day, that image will present itself, until that which perceives it catches its wind in order that it may be expressed and given form.
It is essential that the wind itself take you, for only in emptiness can there be lift.
Ever so slowly is the mind coming back to its original form, and awaits it is the heart where at the end of time it resides for a return as the way they were born, as God intended.