All areas of mind and body have been engaged immediately upon waking without question nor thought.
Minor inconsistencies have yet to be diminished, the mind and body connection is only being reaffirmed to a greater degree.
The mind body connection is equal to the level of sensitivity it has to even the slightest hints of resistance, this is only a matter of time until subtled inhibitions are reduced to nothing.
Any remaining and subtle inhibition means one’s instincts are still in tact, in that you are alive and there’s still a sense of yourself left but to a degree that is less enough to accomplish the goal.
Completely abolishing fear and human instinct from the equation would remove any meaning or gratification of a goal, having some room left for pain and reward is evidence that you are alive in this world and that the goal can be grasped in the palm of your hand.
Sensation serves as the evidence used to confirm that the goal has been firmly grasped in your hand, clenching with all the muscle and nerve embedded within it.
The day does not start without activating all facets of mind and body, neurologically and physiologically, that is, stimulated to the highest degree mentally by the body’s shock response to extreme conditions. Second, is the subtle inhibition in contact with the moment before execution.
What previously had to be reclaimed by order of will, now demands reaffirmation.
A dispassionate will has been claimed, a right to belong and to serve this world has been expressed, now to reaffirm that notion and principle through the invocation of that will and seamless reflex.
What exactly is that invocation of will? That is, the subtle yet pronounced weight of intention. That is your command center, what allows you to realize the goal.
A desire to achieve a goal states itself, an inquisition immediately follows asking, do you claim this reality? A response awaits from the world, in that the answer be firmly pronounced by the weight of your will. Once the judgement has been passed, and the claim be made, are you to step forward as if the goal has pulled you into the palm of its hand.
Pertaining to the action itself, it is essential that all the primal senses of body and mind are activated and felt to their fullest degree, there is no better act that the mind and body responds to than pain.
The best possible way to stimulate the primal senses is a shock stimulus, that is essential.
In this example, extreme temperatures work best, however to adhere to the principle itself, a shock stimulus can be anything that arouses the nervous system, whether that is produced from perception of feeling or seeing, what’s being worked with are preliminary impulses. Our work involves confronting impulses that are a result of excitement of mind.
To distinguish the work at hand or point of attention, working with preliminary impulses implies a confrontation with the sensation that precedes the following act.
Throughout the day there are various instances where impulse is exposed and exploited, it is especially apparent in the small examples which don’t catch the preoccupied mind. Whether it’s a controversial headline or a blatant advertisement, to a certain degree, stimulates the nervous system in a way that produces impulse without thought or reflection.
The difference between the shock stimulus of a dramatic headline versus intense temperature conditions is needless to say, however in practice it is all the same.
Inquire to the feeling that comes right before registering a blatant advertisement, that is the mind coming into contact with impulse, the primal instinct. Whatever that feeling is that which comes before cognitive registration of arousal, that is no less the same as the impulse that which is confronted in the midst of extreme environmental conditions.
Now, remember that feeling, for it is unforgettable and unmistakeable. That primal impulse in which has come into contact with, is the initial reaction. Now, imagine each and every time you come across a controversial headline, that initial and automatic reaction that would otherwise be gone without question multiple times throughout the day, now has been confronted and come into contact with.
Look firmly into its center, take a good look and engage its presence, for this is what could only be known as nascence, this is a feeling that can only be understood as a return to nativity, in that whatever the phenomenon that has been confronted is the quality preceding the birth of reality.
Take a good look at it, and withhold your thoughts, whatever you maketh of that phenomenon is your gift, take it and depart at your leisure; a reality is yet to be born.
Now that a firm understanding of the preliminary impulse has been made, that is to be remembered and experienced repeatedly, that is the center of command that is to come back to each and every time the mind is met with a need to react. No longer does the mind react without consent, confrontation and inquiry of all the faculties of the mind-body form.
Reality has demanded and called upon you to take it within yourself and go to the lengths necessary for achieving the goal at whatever means possible.
With the exercise having been demonstrated, beginning with the small example of minor day-to-day provocations, can we step back to the realm of shock stimulus relating to extreme environmental conditions.
Once the act has been done the first time, that is all that is needed, in that no matter the external conditions means nothing.
Again, the environmental hazard presents itself in front of you, it says this is what I am and here is my evidence, A response directed at your will awaits it. One step is taken forward into the designated area. Without further hesitation, the environment is shaped and the conditions are made extreme, producing the shock stimulus. Without waver you will commands with its answer, I am alive in this world, here is my evidence. In this moment I am truly alive in this world, here is the evidence I am creating.
Once the statement has been affirmed there is no longer pronounced sensations. The body has become well adapted and desensitized to it’s conditions in a way that demonstrates the right to belong.
The senses have been engaged to their fullest possible degree, the mind has recognized its preliminary impulses, and the will has been gauged, creating an intimate and unmistakeable connection that can be wielded at your discretion.
No matter how many times the exercise is performed, the measure and weight of will is unmistakable and works to the exact discretion of the participant.
The mind has ascended, and each time it performs an exercise pertaining to reaction, a greater connection is secured, and even more does it become overwhelming with brilliance. What came seemingly from nothing has been afforded the ability to command and execute the goal in a consistent and exact manner, that somehow never fails to be intriguing and striking with awe.