Inquisitive approach to a routine objective

Again, this faint and familiar feeling has presented itself in order to be recognized.

In waking, already the body is reflecting its disposition, its level of energy, how complacent it is and the level of muscle stiffness.

These are the markers of the body’s overall health, they are your gifts, for they serve as your evidence necessary for reclaiming responsibility.

Upon waking, needn’t there be haste to shower and get out of bed.

Our focus is exclusive to feeling, for that is our guide.

Your only task is to feel what is presented to you, that is your purpose and one and only duty.

All that is asked of you is to merely feel what is presenting to you and most prominent especially the first thing upon waking.

Once that has been recognized and felt, a picture or sense can begin to form, where enough to be made aware of the issue.

Thanks to that revisited feeling, the mind has now been given an opportunity to do something with it, in a way that can almost be described as feeling into enjoyment.

What was originally a complacent and apathetic disposition has now been replaced with joy, in that the inadequate disposition has been given the chance to be heard and felt.

All that is needed is for the body to be felt and heard, that is all that is necessary to be granted joy and servitude towards your goal.

Once a firm understanding of the feeling has been grasped as well as a registered idea of the body’s disposition, both mental and physical, can the will necessary for claiming the goal arise and be lifted into place of the product image.

What this looks like in practice begins with extinguishing the need to get out of bed.

Resisting the need to get out of bed even though if it was already desired couldn’t have been done anyway simply due to apathy. Despite that, you are arresting that necessity or desire to escape out of bed and inquiring into the present feeling that is preventing autonomy.

An individual with a strong life force does not experience inhibition to start the day, if there is, whatever the feeling is has to be inquired to first.

By doing so, you free yourself from your own prison.

Inspiration and joy is to be found in whatever presents itself in front of you.

To fall into the frame of the product image, that being the goal, means to afford the ease of what is an unconditional and free will to lift you in place of the end goal.

You inquire to the inhibited feeling, recognize and understand it; a will to live becomes stimulated allowing you to be pulled into the product of the goal; a sense of joy and presence is invigorated, reminding and serving as evidence that you are truly alive in this world.

Even in mundane everyday routine is inspiration to be found.

At the point where a will to live has been invoked, it is no longer a matter of personal insistence, concerning the goal, in this case, getting out of bed and taking a shower. At that point, it is simply a matter of your will and intention of lifting your finger and allowing yourself to be pulled by another force or being.

When inspiration and joy is concerned, the image of the goal comes to you, pulling you into its final frame and realization.

Glance a mere eye into the confines of the heart, lay out your palm to receive its gifts, for they come without charge; extend one finger towards the goal and be swept by the world’s favor.

The will to have and the right to belong have been claimed, now the world awaits your step to act out the goal again, as done once before.

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To step outside oneself, is the expectation to revert backwards

To step outside oneself, is the expectation to revert backwards

A freedom in chains shall you learn to know as home

To claim the goal is a matter of measure of will

To claim the goal is a matter of measure of will

All areas of mind and body have been engaged immediately upon waking without

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