Say, a deity were watching over humans not unlike a parent watching over a child.
As he watches his creation fall, time and time again, a certain strength has to be garnered not to help the child, in order for it to learn to wield its abilities.
When a child makes a mistake, the temptation to assist them is pronounced, but nonetheless it must learn to coordinate itself and learn on its own.
Whatever them mistake may be, overtime it will learn to wield the instrument called the human body and assume authority.
That particular strength to withhold assistance, is the act of faith and love.
In the process of gaining sovereignty and authority, a deity will watch over his creation, anticipating that it will learn to be upright, just like itself.
Humans have been planted within them, the seed called, freedom to choose.
An interpretation that has become a core belief, no longer considers choice.
Because no matter the circumstance it will automatically choose based on that core belief, without ever knowing another possibility.
To say a person automatically chooses based on a core belief, means they are asleep, because there is no concept of an alternative.
A deity will patiently wait for the individual to come into consciousness, waking up to its creation or reality.
With the mind, we create.
Here lies all the evidence for the core belief that I am worthless.
Evidence will aggregate in the form of symptomatic expressions.
For every symptomatic expression, whether that be pain or tension, the mind will automatically choose that as evidence for its worthlessness.
IN that former belief, a symptomatic expression will serve to be an excuse and an undisputed piece of evidence of the reason for its justification to be upset, unsatisfied or any number of unfavorable dispositions.
An insignificant degree of pain, nonetheless, enough to deter one form claiming the right to enjoy and to make something of itself.
That pain is by default, just enough to be considered as a justified excuse, to not choose a favorable outcome.
The justification to be upset and settle for something unfavorable, is the brilliant game tactic of the former self.
I’m referring to the ego. This mastermind, that has consolidated and reinforced its beliefs over the course of many years, is undoubtedly a master strategist, and by that regard, deserves my utmost respect and recognition.
However, when one learns to see the truth, a lie becomes easier to detect over time.
If you know the truth, you can see the lie.
For every symptomatic expression, an opportunity to choose presents itself.
The ability to choose an alternative interpretation, based on a true-belief, and not a former false-belief.
A favorable disposition is true, otherwise it wouldn’t benefit one, or even motivate one.
Here lies all the evidence that I am unworthy; tiredness, lethargy, pain, tension, muscle stiffness, high degree pain, low degree pain, over exertion, necessity, desire, etc.
In the justification of any of these symptoms, as being an adequate reason to be upset, is the act of putting oneself in jail.
A symptom arises, the ego rushes in to justify that as enough to not pursue something greater than, or worthy of.
To be comfortable with being comfortable, this is the unfavorable disposition.
To be absolutely comfortable with being uncomfortable, is a favorable disposition.
When low degree symptoms are justified, it is in effect, saying this feeble symptom is enough to deter one into an unfavorable outcome or disposition.
But there is an aspect of choice in this scene and setting.
Here lies all the evidence for how setbacks make one stronger as a result, how setbacks strengthen one’s coordination with every symptomatic expression.
The evidence aggregates; I am uncomfortable with being comfortable; the urge to justify my symptoms is present and pronounced to a considerable degree; the temptation to wallow in my unfavorable disposition is potent; the necessary strength to withstand these impulsive urges is making me stronger; the weight of decision adds value to my final choice, for it is ultimate.
At the glimmering sign of something false, not authentic, and seemingly unsatisfying. At the smallest hint and suspicion that there could be an alternative, more favorable outcome, adds curiosity and courage to step out of the line of default.
In seemingly every step of the way, a choice is being made. The freedom to choose a favorable position or to choose an unfavorable position.
Symptomatic expressions when they present themselves, are a gift. It is a free opportunity to strengthen one’s coordination levels, offering a new chance to accept and assume a favorable position.
It is an opportunity to consolidate and reinforce a true-belief, an aggregating belief, a new belief.
With each and every setback, I gain an increased sensitivity and strengthened level of coordination. I am increasingly becoming more sensitive to unfavorable dispositions as if having enhanced sensory perception. The ability to discern and decipher is being sharpened with each setback; the setback being the acquisition of an unfavorable position.
When an unfavorable position is taken, a symptomatic expression becomes a source of leverage. It serves as an opportunity to coordinate back into a position of strength.
Pain specifically, is an adequate and sufficient means of coordination, because of how readily accessible it is. An impulsive urge is an abundant form of pain and can be used through the means of endurance. The strength to withstand the pain has to outweigh the sensation itself, and by doing so, grants the attributer surplus energy.
Tension is another form of pain that is readily accessible, that also serves as leverage.
With practice, it is as if the line separating and distinguishing pain from pleasure and gratification is blurred with each coordinated setback.
Intuitive instinct and perception is enhanced to a considerable degree as a result of making conscious decisions.
Exercising coordination, with time, enables one to be worthy of wielding authority and claiming authorship.
Symptomatic expressions offer as leverage opportunities to strengthen coordination and acquire energy surplus, whether it’s pain, tension, an impulsive urge, a compulsive urge, etc.
Each time coordinated strength is applied, the evidence for how setbacks enhance one’s strength, is consolidated and reinforced.
The exercise of choice, doing so enough times, will inevitably grant one as a worthy candidate of authority and leadership.
Pain doesn’t lessen with time, it is that the acquired strength has made it so that the tolerance to withstand that same pain has greatly increased. The original feign and reflexive response attributed to that pain before, is now substituted with the sheer might to withstand a reactionary position, whereby being susceptible to frustration and irritation, is reduced.
It’s about learning to remember intuitively, what a favorable position feels like, identifying with that position and to remember the feeling of how comfortable it makes one feel, as to coordinate oneself back into place in an upright energetic posture.
Through repetition and a variety of circumstances and situation, identity will be centered on a leveraged position, whereby conscious decisions become unconscious, automatic and reflexive.